东莞市哈立特电子有限公司是由婴儿/孕妇用品开发经验的专业人士成立的一家聚研发、生产、销售为一体的高新技术企业,公司创始人hambint先生曾在日本学习和生活很长一段时间,在创建之初, 就定位高起点,和高要求,并且组织了完整*流的管理团队,采用国际先进的PMI项目管理办法,对产品从开发到出货周期进行全方位的控制,确保*流的产品质量. 公司以“一切只为客户满意”为宗旨,全心全意为创建和谐社会而努力. 公司以*先国内同行业的技术,引进日本先进的经验和管理方法,目前已经开发出专门适合婴儿和妈妈使用的产品,有光催化电子吸蚊器,孕妇护理机,婴儿营养锅,婴儿耳温枪,手动吸乳器,婴儿食物处理机,便携式奶瓶消毒器,婴儿睡眠宝,酸奶机,电子体温计,掏耳宝等等,公司基于“好竞争力的价格和产品质量,一切只为客户满意”为原则,欢迎各界朋友热忱加入,共商21世纪蓝图.
Dongguan Hambint Electronics Co.,Ltd was established by the experts who are very strong knowledge for the babies and mothers products and small home appliances, And also we were a high technology company which combined design、 manufacture and sales together. Our boss Mr Hambint studied and lived in Japan for a long time, Since the starting, we decided to base on high starting and requirements, organized the best management team. Adopt the international advanced management PMI to the whole processes for all products duiring design and out-going periods. And make sure the finished products are the best quality. we will do our best to create a good life for tomorrow based on everything is for customers. We applied to the advanced technology than the other competitors of China and adopted with Japanese managements methods and quality system. At present, we have been created more products fitted to babies and mothers, like as Mosquito Killer, Mother Massager, Babies Food Cooker, Baby Digital Thermometer, Manual Breast Pump, Baby Food Blender, Portable Bottles Sterilizer, Bottles Thermoscope, Baby Sleeper and so on, We are based on everything for customers satisfied and supported to the best prices and quality. And also welcome for all friends to join in us for tomorrow.
本公司现诚招全国各地妇幼用品代理商, 公司将在产品质量和价格方面提供*好的服务.有兴趣请联系如下信息:
旺旺:hambint |